Shamless Gaming Month, July 2012


Well, Kotaku have started it again, so let’s play Shameless Gaming Month for July 2012. Last year I put in a wussy effort by finishing Wonder Boy in Monster World on the Mega Drive, so for this year I’m going to try to be a bit more ambitious.

How ambitious? This ambitious:

  • Finally finish (the amazing) Explodemon on the PS3,
  • In honour of last year’s entry, finish the recently released Monster World IV on PS3 (and as an aside, expect a review for the Sega Vintage Collection releases soon)
  • Finally get all the trophies on the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (aka Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection for those in the US), and
  • Play through Phantasy Star 2 in Easy Mode on the Sega Ages Phantasy Star Collection on the PS2.


Admittedly I put the last point on the to-do list back in February, and I’m not sure if I’ll have the stamina to trophy my way through the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection given how terrible the emulation is, especially compared to M2’s recent (and benchmark-setting) efforts for the Sega Vintage Collection releases.

And as an aside, apologies for the brief hiatus of the blog – June was absolutely mad between commitments at work and home, but things have started settling down again, which is nice 🙂

Shameless Gaming Month achievement!

Wonder Boy in Monster World with Sega Mega Drive setup

So, Trjn started this whole Shameless Gaming Month for July 2011 (I heard it through the grapevine on another forum, and you may have heard it elsewhere too), and I thought I’d get involved. I think I might have missed the point, as my goal was to finish… Wonder Boy in Monster World on the Sega Mega Drive, which was released in 1992 😛

On the upside, I actually finished it last weekend 🙂 And with all the hearts to boot!

On the downside, I think my effort counts as cheating, as I started playing it at the end of June.

But still, I wanted to contribute to the global effort in some way! Expect a review at some stage too.