w00t, it’s 2010
Just a quick update since it’s been a while – apologies for the lack of updates of late, been enjoying a bit of time off and all the good stuff that entails 🙂
Thanks for everyone dropping by the site for a read, especially to those who have e-mailed me or left comments, I appreciate all of them!
2010 should make for an interesting year for the blog – there will be more content, more image galleries, more tutes, more guides, possibly some videos and a new visual overhaul as well to make things look awesomer. Oh, and I also have plans to migrate the blog to its own dedicated domain some time in the next couple of months, so stay tuned! Note that all your old bookmarks will redirect automatically when we switch domains, so don’t worry about dead links 🙂
Thanks for supporting the site, looking forward to more nerdisms in the year to come 🙂