Sluggish website performance

For those who might have noticed and have been affected, the site’s been running really slowly for a few days now (coming close to a week, actually) – I’m currently following it up with the hosting provider, so hopefully it’ll get fixed soon enough. Thanks for bearing with me in the interim!!

Image display fixed

Just worked out that the images weren’t displaying their captions or were formatting/aligning themselves correctly following a recent update to the system – I’ve gone in and made the changes now, so it looks like it’s back to normal 🙂 Apologies for any weirdness with the formatting in the interim!

Sorted! :)

Cool, I’ve sorted out most of the stuff I wanted to get online before I launched this blog – I’ve still got a couple of retrospective posts to cover a recent playthrough of Shining the Holy Ark on the Saturn (hint: it’s still awesome) and I’ve started playing through Secret of Evermore on the SNES and I’m just over half way through it, so I want to post some ramblings on that, too 😀

Oh, and some arcade stuff too probably wouldn’t hurt – I’ve got enough content there for an awesome changelog of useful tweaks, stupid DIY (it involved electricity :P) and general stuff too!

Ah well, plenty of time to cover all that 🙂

First post!

Awesome, the blog’s working 🙂 Fingers crossed I didn’t mangle anything when I tweaked the code!!

Anywho, I’m going to start adding some posts shortly. Watch this space!